Классификатор причин смерти 

INED - Institut national d'études démographiques, France EFMSU - Faculty of Economics Moscow State University, Russia Исходные данные ВОЗ

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Открыть раздел МКБ 07A
Закрыть раздел МКБ 07B
 B000 : Все причины
 B001 : Tuberculosis of respiratory system
 B002 : Tuberculosis, other forms
 B003 : Syphilis and its sequelae
 B004 : Typhoid fever
 B005 : Холера
 B006 : Dysentery, all forms
 B007 : Scarlet fever and streptococcal sore throat
 B008 : Diphteria
 B009 : Whooping cough
 B010 : Meningococcal infections
 B011 : Plague
 B012 : Acute poliomyelitis
 B013 : Smallpox
 B014 : Measles
 B015 : Typhus and other rickettsial diseases
 B016 : Malaria
 B017 : All other diseases classified as infective and parasitic
 B018 : Malignant neoplasms, incl. neoplasms of lymph. & haemat. tissues
 B019 : Benign neoplasms and neoplasms of unspecified nature
 B020 : Diabetes mellitus
 B021 : Anaemias
 B022 : Vascular lesions affecting central nervous system
 B023 : Non-meningococcal meningitis
 B024 : Rheumatic fever
 B025 : Chronic rheumatic heart disease
 B026 : Arteriosclerotic and degenerative heart disease
 B027 : Other diseases of heart
 B028 : Hypertension with heart disease
 B029 : Hypertension without mention of heart
 B030 : Influenza
 B031 : Pneumonia
 B032 : Bronchitis
 B033 : Ulcer of stomach and duodenum
 B034 : Appendicitis
 B035 : Intestinal obstruction and hernia
 B036 : Gastritis, duodenitis, enteritis & colitis, exc. diarrh. of newborn
 B037 : Cirrhosis of liver
 B038 : Nephritis and nephrosis
 B039 : Hyperplasia of prostate
 B040 : Deliveries & complications of pregnancy, childbirth & puerperium
 B041 : Congenital malformations
 B042 : Birth injuries, postnatal asphyxia and atelectasis
 B043 : Infections of the newborn
 B044 : Other diseases peculiar to early infancy & immaturity unqualified
 B045 : Senility without mention of psychosis, ill-defined & unknown causes
 B046 : All other diseases
 B047 : Motor vehicle accidents
 B048 : All other accidents
 B050 : Homicide and operations of war
 B049 : Suicide and self-inflicted injury
Открыть раздел NEOPLASMS detailed (Yugoslavia, Former, 1960)
Открыть раздел МКБ 08A
Открыть раздел МКБ 08B
Открыть раздел МКБ 09: Основной табуляционный лист
Открыть раздел МКБ 09.C: Китай
Открыть раздел МКБ 10: Специальный сводный список №1 для смертности и заболеваемости
Открыть раздел МКБ 10: Детализированный список категорий с 3- и 4-значными кодами
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