1000 : Все причины |
1001 : Некоторые инфекционные и паразитарные заболевания |
1002 : Холера |
1003 : Диарея и гастроэнтерит предположительно инфекционного происхождения |
1004 : Другие кишечные инфекции |
1005 : Туберкулез органов дыхания |
1006 : Другие формы туберкулеза |
1007 : Чума |
1008 : Столбняк |
1009 : Дифтерия |
1010 : Коклюш |
1011 : Менингококковая инфекция |
1012 : Септицимия |
1013 : Инфекции, передающиеся преимущественно половым путем |
1014 : Острый полиомелит |
1015 : Бешенство |
1016 : Желтая лихорадка |
1017 : Другие вирусные лихорадки и вирусные геморрагические лихорадки, передаваемые членистоногими |
1018 : Корь |
1019 : Вирусные гепатиты |
1020 : Болезнь, вызванная вирусом иммунодефицита человека (ВИЧ) |
1021 : Малярия |
1022 : Лейшманиоз |
1023 : Трипаносомоз |
1024 : Шистосомоз |
1025 : Другие инфекционные и паразитарные болезни |
1026 : Новообразования |
1027 : Злокачественные новообразования губы, полости рта и глотки |
1028 : Злокачественные новообразования пищевода |
1029 : Злокачественные новообразования желудка |
1030 : Malignant neoplasm of colon, rectum and anus |
1031 : Malignant neoplasm of liver and intrahepatic bile ducts |
1032 : Malignant neoplasm of pancreas |
1033 : Malignant neoplasm of larynx |
1034 : Malignant neoplasm of trachea, bronchus and lung |
1035 : Malignant melanoma of skin |
1036 : Malignant neoplasm of breast |
1037 : Malignant neoplasm of cervix uteri |
1038 : Malignant neoplasm of other and unspecified parts of uterus |
1039 : Malignant neoplasm of ovary |
1040 : Malignant neoplasm of prostate |
1041 : Malignant neoplasm of bladder |
1042 : Malignant neoplasm of meninges, brain and other parts of central nervous system |
1043 : Non-Hodgkin's lymphoma |
1044 : Multiple myeloma and malignant plasma cell neoplasms |
1045 : Leukaemia |
1046 : Remainder of malignant neoplasms |
1047 : Remainder of neoplasms |
1048 : Diseases of the blood and blood-forming organs and certain disorders involving the immune mechanism |
1049 : Anaemias |
1050 : Remainder of diseases of the blood and blood-forming organs and certain disorders involving the immune mechanism |
1051 : Endocrine, nutritional and metabolic diseases |
1052 : Diabetes mellitus |
1053 : Malnutrition |
1054 : Remainder of endocrine, nutritional and metabolic diseases |
1055 : Mental and behavioural disorders |
1056 : Mental and behavioural disorders due to psychoactive substance use |
1057 : Remainder of mental and behavioural disorders |
1058 : Diseases of the nervous system |
1059 : Meningitis |
1060 : Alzheimer's disease |
1061 : Remainder of diseases of the nervous system |
1062 : Diseases of the eye and adnexa |
1063 : Diseases of the ear and mastoid process |
1064 : Diseases of the circulatory system |
1065 : Acute rheumatic fever and chronic rheumatic heart diseases |
1066 : Hypertensive diseases |
1067 : Ischaemic heart diseases |
1068 : Other heart diseases |
1069 : Cerebrovascular diseases |
1070 : Atherosclerosis |
1071 : Remainder of diseases of the circulatory system |
1072 : Diseases of the respiratory system |
1073 : Influenza |
1074 : Pneumonia |
1075 : Other acute lower respiratory infections |
1076 : Chronic lower respiratory diseases |
1077 : Remainder of diseases of the respiratory system |
1078 : Diseases of the digestive system |
1079 : Gastric and duodenal ulcer |
1080 : Diseases of the liver |
1081 : Remainder of diseases of the digestive system |
1082 : Diseases of the skin and subcutaneous tissue |
1083 : Diseases of the musculoskeletal system and connective tissue |
1084 : Diseases of the genitourinary system |
1085 : Glomerular and renal tubulo-interstitial diseases |
1086 : Remainder of diseases of the genitourinary system |
1087 : Pregnancy, childbirth and the puerperium |
1088 : Pregnancy with abortive outcome |
1089 : Other direct obstetric deaths |
1090 : Indirect obstetric deaths |
1091 : Remainder of pregnancy, childbirth and the puerperium |
1092 : Certain conditions originating in the perinatal period |
1093 : Congenital malformations, deformations and chromosomal abnormalities |
1094 : Symptoms, signs and abnormal clinical and laboratory findings, not elsewhere classified |
1095 : External causes of morbidity and mortality |
1096 : Transport accidents |
1097 : Falls |
1098 : Accidental drowning and submersion |
1099 : Exposure to smoke, fire and flames |
1100 : Accidental poisoning by and exposure to noxious substances |
1101 : Intentional self-harm |
1102 : Assault |
1103 : All other external causes |