Классификатор причин смерти 

INED - Institut national d'études démographiques, France EFMSU - Faculty of Economics Moscow State University, Russia Исходные данные ВОЗ

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Открыть раздел МКБ 07A
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Открыть раздел МКБ 09: Основной табуляционный лист
Закрыть раздел МКБ 09.C: Китай
 C001 : Все причины
 C002 : Infectious and parasitic diseases
 C003 : Selected infectious diseases
 C004 : Typhoid and paratyphoid fevers
 C005 : Shigellosis
 C006 : Other intestinal infectious diseases
 C007 : Pulmonary tuberculosis
 C008 : Tuberculosis, other forms
 C009 : Whooping cough
 C010 : Meningococcal meningitis
 C011 : Tetanus
 C012 : Septicaemia
 C013 : Measles
 C014 : Japanese encephalities
 C015 : Viral haemorrhagic fever
 C016 : Viral hepatitis
 C017 : Leptospirosis
 C018 : Parasitic diseases
 C019 : Malaria
 C020 : Schistosomiasis
 C021 : Neoplasms
 C022 : Malignant neoplasms
 C023 : Malignant neoplasms of nasopharynx
 C024 : Malignant neoplasms of oesophagus
 C025 : Malignant neoplasm of stomach
 C026 : Malignant neoplasm of colon, rectum, rectosigmoid junction and anus
 C027 : Malignant neoplasm of liver
 C028 : Malignant neoplasm of trachea, bronchus and lung
 C029 : Malignant neoplasm of female breast
 C030 : Malignant neoplasm of cervix uteri
 C031 : Malign neoplasm of bladder
 C032 : Leukaemia
 C033 : Benign neoplasms
 C034 : Endocrine, nutritional and metabolic diseases
 C035 : Diabetes mellitus
 C036 : Diseases of blood and blood-forming organs
 C037 : Anaemias
 C038 : Mental disorders
 C039 : Diseases of the nervous system
 C040 : Meningitis
 C041 : Diseases of the circulatory system
 C042 : Acute rheumatic fever
 C043 : Heart diseases
 C044 : Chronic rheumatic heart disease
 C045 : Hypertensive heart disease
 C046 : Acute myocardial infarction
 C047 : Other ischaemic heart disease
 C048 : Pulmonary heart disease
 C049 : Other forms of heart disease
 C050 : Other hypertensive disease
 C051 : Cerebrovascular disease
 C052 : Disease of the respiratory system
 C053 : Pneumonia
 C054 : Bronchitis, chronic and unspecified emphysema and asthma
 C055 : Pneumoconioses
 C056 : Disease of digestive system
 C057 : Ulcer of stomach and duodenum
 C058 : Appendicitis
 C059 : Intestinal obstruction
 C060 : Chronic liver disease and cirrhosis
 C061 : Disease of genitourinary system
 C062 : Nephritis, nephrotic syndrome and nephrosis
 C063 : Hyperplasia of prostate
 C064 : Complications of pregnancy, childbirth and puerperium
 C065 : Direct obstetric causes
 C066 : Abortion
 C067 : Toxaemia of pregnancy
 C068 : Obstetrical trauma
 C069 : Infections of the puerperium
 C070 : Postpartum haemorrhage
 C071 : Diseases of the musculoskeletal system and connective tissue
 C072 : Congenital anomalies
 C073 : Congenital anomalies of heart
 C074 : Certain conditions originating in the perinatal period
 C075 : Slow fetal growth, fetal malnutrition and immaturity
 C076 : Birth trauma, hypoxia, birth asphyxia and other respiratory conditions
 C077 : Tetanus neonatorum
 C078 : Haemolytic disease of foetus or newborn
 C079 : Sclerema neonatorum
 C080 : Other specified diseases and symptoms
 C081 : Ill-defined and unknown causes
 C089 : External causes of injury and poisoning
 C090 : Motor vehicle trafic accidents
 C091 : Other transport accidents
 C092 : Accidental poisoning
 C093 : Accidental falls
 C094 : Accidents caused by fire and flames
 C095 : Accidents due to natural and environmental factors
 C096 : Accidental drowning and submersion
 C097 : Accidental mechanical suffocation
 C098 : Struck accidentally by falling object
 C099 : Accidents caused by machinery and by cutting and piercing instruments
 C100 : Accidents caused by electric current
 C101 : Other accidents, adverse and late effects
 C102 : Suicide and self-inflicted injury
 C103 : Homicide and injury purposely inflicted by other persons
Открыть раздел МКБ 10: Специальный сводный список №1 для смертности и заболеваемости
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